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Config file

Minimal config

A minimal ~/.airc.json file consists only of API key for selected AI inference provider.

"providers": {
"openAi": {
"apiKey": "Your API key"

Provider Options

All provider specific-options are located under top-level providers key in the config file.

Supported providers are currently:

  • openAi
  • anthropic
  • perplexity
  • mistral

AI Model

Each of supported providers can be tuned with model option to select an exact AI model:

"providers": {
"openAi": {
// ...
"model": "gpt-4o" // Current default model

List of supported Open AI models.

Choosing proper model can have a huge impact on your AI assistant response quality, response time, as well as costs (although costs should be reasonable for manual, single-user interactions).

System Prompt

You can specify system prompt for each of the supported providers:

"providers": {
"openAi": {
// ...
"systemPrompt": "You are a helpful AI assistant. Respond in a concise way."

System prompt is an important part of AI model "personality" and should specify the key aspects you expect from AI. LLMs typically put great weight to the instructions given in the system prompt.