Build a library

Build a React Native library

When code is in non-standard syntaxes such as JSX, TypeScript etc, it needs to be compiled before it can run. Configuring this manually can be error-prone and annoying. react-native-builder-bob aims to simplify this process by wrapping babel and tsc and taking care of the configuration. See this section for a longer explanation.

Supported targets are:

If you created a project with create-react-native-library, react-native-builder-bob is already pre-configured to build your project. You don't need to configure it again.

The following configuration steps are for projects not created with create-react-native-library.

Automatic configuration

To automatically configure your project to use react-native-builder-bob, open a Terminal and run:

npx react-native-builder-bob@latest init

This will ask you a few questions and add the required configuration and scripts for building the code. The code will be compiled automatically when the package is published.

Note: the init command doesn't add the codegen target yet. You can either add it manually or create a new library with create-react-native-library.

You can find details on what exactly it adds in the Manual configuration section.

Manual configuration

To configure your project manually, follow these steps:

  1. First, install react-native-builder-bob in your project. Open a Terminal in your project, and run:
yarn add --dev react-native-builder-bob
  1. In your package.json, specify the targets to build for:

    "react-native-builder-bob": {
      "source": "src",
      "output": "lib",
      "targets": [
        ["commonjs", { "esm": true }],
        ["module", { "esm": true }],
        ["typescript", { "esm": true }]

    See the Options section for more details.

  2. Add bob to your prepare or prepack step:

    "scripts": {
      "prepare": "bob build"

    Note that there is a difference between prepare and prepack scripts:

    • prepare is run when:
      • The package is published with Yarn 1 (yarn publish), npm (npm publish) or pnpm (pnpm publish)
      • The package is installed from a GIT URL with Yarn 1 (yarn add <git-url>), npm (npm install <git-url>) or pnpm (pnpm add <git-url>)
    • prepack is run when:
      • The package is published with any package manager (yarn publish, npm publish, pnpm publish)
      • The package is installed from a GIT URL with Yarn 4 (yarn add package-name@<git-url>)

    If you are not sure which one to use, we recommend going with prepare as it works during both publishing and installing from GIT with more package managers.

  3. Configure the appropriate entry points:

    "source": "./src/index.tsx",
    "main": "./lib/commonjs/index.js",
    "module": "./lib/module/index.js",
    "types": "./lib/typescript/commonjs/src/index.d.ts",
    "exports": {
      ".": {
        "import": {
          "types": "./lib/typescript/module/src/index.d.ts",
          "default": "./lib/module/index.js"
        "require": {
          "types": "./lib/typescript/commonjs/src/index.d.ts",
          "default": "./lib/commonjs/index.js"
    "files": [

    Here is what each of these fields mean:

    • source: The path to the source code. It is used by react-native-builder-bob to detect the correct output files and provide better error messages.
    • main: The entry point for the CommonJS build. This is used by Node - such as tests, SSR etc.
    • module: The entry point for the ES module build. This is used by bundlers such as webpack.
    • types: The entry point for the TypeScript definitions. This is used by TypeScript to typecheck the code using your library.
    • files: The files to include in the package when publishing with npm.
    • exports: The entry points for tools that support the exports field in package.json - such as Node.js 12+ & modern browsers. See the ESM support guide for more details.

    Make sure to change specify correct files according to the targets you have enabled.

    If you're building TypeScript definition files, also make sure that the types field points to a correct path. Depending on the project configuration, the path can be different for you than the example snippet (e.g. lib/typescript/index.d.ts if you have only the src directory and rootDir is not set).

  4. Add the output directory to .gitignore and .eslintignore

    # generated files by bob

    This makes sure that you don't accidentally commit the generated files to git or get lint errors for them.

  5. Add the output directory to jest.modulePathIgnorePatterns if you use Jest (opens in a new tab)

    "modulePathIgnorePatterns": ["<rootDir>/lib/"]

    This makes sure that Jest doesn't try to run the tests in the generated files.

  6. Configure React Native Codegen (opens in a new tab)

    If your library is supporting the New React Native Architecture (opens in a new tab), you should also configure Codegen. This is not required for libraries that are only supporting the old architecture.

    You can follow the Official Codegen Setup Guide (opens in a new tab) to enable Codegen.

    It's also recommended to ship your Codegen generated scaffold code with your library since it has numerous benefits. To see the benefits and implement this behavior, you can see the Official Codegen Shipping Guide (opens in a new tab).

    Note: If you enable Codegen generated code shipping, React Native won't build the scaffold code automatically when you build your test app. You need to rebuild the codegen scaffold code manually each time you make changes to your spec. If you want to automate this process, you can create a new project with create-react-native-library and inspect the example app.

    Opting out of Codegen shipping (not recommended)

    If you have a reason to not ship Codegen generated scaffold code with your library, you need to remove the codegen target and add package.json to your exports field. Otherwise, React Native Codegen will skip spec generation for your library when your library is consumed as an NPM library. You can find the related issue here (opens in a new tab).

    "exports": {
      // ...
      "./package.json": "./package.json"

And we're done 🎉


The options can be specified in the package.json file under the react-native-builder-bob property, or in a bob.config.js file in your project directory.


The name of the folder with the source code which should be compiled. The folder should include an index file.


The name of the folder where the compiled files should be output to. It will contain separate folder for each target.


Glob pattern to be used while filtering the unnecessary files. Defaults to '**/{__tests__,__fixtures__,__mocks__}/**' if not specified.


  "exclude": "ignore_me/**"

This option only works with commonjs and module targets. To exclude files while building typescript, please see the tsconfig exclude field (opens in a new tab).


Various targets to build for. The available targets are:


Generates the React Native Codegen (opens in a new tab) scaffold code, which is used with the New React Native Architecture.

You can ensure your Codegen generated scaffold code is stable through different React Native versions by shipping it with your library. You can find more in the React Native Official Docs (opens in a new tab).


Define a custom build target. This is useful to call code generators during the build process.


Accepts a script name. bob will call the matching script defined under package.json's scripts property. The build process will throw and exit if the target is defined without this option.


You can pass a path to this option and bob will delete all the files on that path. The path is resolved relatively to where build was called from.


Enable compiling source files with Babel and use CommonJS module system.

This is useful for running the code in Node (SSR, tests etc.). The output file should be referenced in the main field and exports['.'].require (when esm: true) field of package.json.

By default, the code is compiled to support the last 2 versions of modern browsers. It also strips TypeScript and Flow annotations as well as compiles JSX. You can customize the environments to compile for by using a browserslist config (opens in a new tab).

In addition, the following options are supported:


Setting this option to true will output ES modules compatible code for Node.js 12+, modern browsers and other tools that support package.json's exports field.

See the ESM support guide for more details.


To customize the babel config used, you can pass the configFile (opens in a new tab) option as true if you have a babel.config.js or a path to a custom config file. This will override the default configuration. You can extend the default configuration by using the react-native-builder-bob/babel-preset (opens in a new tab) preset.


You can set the babelrc (opens in a new tab) option to true to enable using .babelrc files.


If your source code is written in Flow (opens in a new tab), You can specify the copyFlow option to true to copy the source files as .js.flow to the output folder. If the main entry in package.json points to the index file in the output folder, the flow type checker will pick these files up to use for type definitions.


Sourcemaps are generated by default alongside the compiled files. You can disable them by setting the sourceMaps option to false.


["commonjs", { "esm": true, "copyFlow": true }]


Enable compiling source files with Babel and use ES module system. This is essentially the same as the commonjs target and accepts the same options, but leaves the import/export statements in your code.

This is useful for bundlers that understand ES modules and can tree-shake. The output file should be referenced in the module field and exports['.'].import (when esm: true) field of package.json.


["module", { "esm": true, "sourceMaps": false }]

Explicitly set your runtime (opens in a new tab). Defaults to automatic.


Enable generating type definitions with tsc if your source code is written in TypeScript (opens in a new tab).

The following options are supported:


By default, the tsconfig.json file in the root of your project is used to generate the type definitions. You can specify a path to a different config by using the project option. This can be useful if you need to use different configs for development and production.


The path to the tsc binary is automatically detected and defaults to the one installed in your project. You can use the tsc option to specify a different path.


["typescript", { "project": "" }]

The output file should be referenced in the types field or exports['.'].types field of package.json.


Setting this option to true will output 2 sets of type definitions: one for the CommonJS build and one for the ES module build.

See the ESM support guide for more details.


The bob CLI exposes the following commands:


This configures an existing project to use bob by adding the required configuration and dependencies. This is usually run with npx:

npx react-native-builder-bob@latest init


This builds the project according to the configuration. This is usually run as part of the package's publishing flow, i.e. in the prepare or prepack scripts.

"scripts": {
  "prepare": "bob build"
