renderHook function

function renderHook<Result, Props>(
  callback: (props?: Props) => Result,
  options?: RenderHookOptions<Props>
): RenderHookResult<Result, Props>;

Renders a test component that will call the provided callback, including any hooks it calls, every time it renders. Returns RenderHookResult object, which you can interact with.

import { renderHook } from '@testing-library/react-native';
import { useCount } from '../useCount';

it('should increment count', () => {
  const { result } = renderHook(() => useCount());

  act(() => {
    // Note that you should wrap the calls to functions your hook returns with `act` if they trigger an update of your hook's state to ensure pending useEffects are run before your next assertion.
// useCount.js
export const useCount = () => {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
  const increment = () => setCount((previousCount) => previousCount + 1);

  return { count, increment };

The renderHook function accepts the following arguments:

Callback is a function that is called each render of the test component. This function should call one or more hooks for testing.

The props passed into the callback will be the initialProps provided in the options to renderHook, unless new props are provided by a subsequent rerender call.


A RenderHookOptions<Props> object to modify the execution of the callback function, containing the following properties:


The initial values to pass as props to the callback function of renderHook. The Props type is determined by the type passed to or inferred by the renderHook call.


A React component to wrap the test component in when rendering. This is usually used to add context providers from React.createContext for the hook to access with useContext.


Set to false to disable concurrent rendering. Otherwise, render will default to using concurrent rendering used in the React Native New Architecture.


interface RenderHookResult<Result, Props> {
  result: { current: Result };
  rerender: (props: Props) => void;
  unmount: () => void;

The renderHook function returns an object that has the following properties:


The current value of the result will reflect the latest of whatever is returned from the callback passed to renderHook. The Result type is determined by the type passed to or inferred by the renderHook call.


A function to rerender the test component, causing any hooks to be recalculated. If newProps are passed, they will replace the callback function's initialProps for subsequent rerenders. The Props type is determined by the type passed to or inferred by the renderHook call.


A function to unmount the test component. This is commonly used to trigger cleanup effects for useEffect hooks.


Here we present some extra examples of using renderHook API.

With initialProps

const useCount = (initialCount: number) => {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(initialCount);
  const increment = () => setCount((previousCount) => previousCount + 1);

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [initialCount]);

  return { count, increment };

it('should increment count', () => {
  const { result, rerender } = renderHook((initialCount: number) => useCount(initialCount), {
    initialProps: 1,


  act(() => {


With wrapper

it('should use context value', () => {
  function Wrapper({ children }: { children: ReactNode }) {
    return <Context.Provider value="provided">{children}</Context.Provider>;

  const { result } = renderHook(() => useHook(), { wrapper: Wrapper });
  // ...