Migration to 13.x

This guide describes the migration to React Native Testing Library version 13 from version 12.x.

Overall, the v13 release is relatively small, focusing on removing deprecated queries and improving the developer experience.

Breaking changes

Supported React and React Native versions

This version supports only React 18+ and corresponding React Native versions (0.71+). If you use React 16 or 17, please use the latest of v12 versions.

Note: currently, stable React Native is unavailable for React 19, which is still in the RC phase, so we test against React Native nightly builds.

Concurrent rendering by default

This version introduces concurrent rendering by default. This change should not affect regular tests, but it might affect your tests if you use React Suspense or similar.

You can revert to legacy rendering by passing concurrentRoot: false to render or configure methods.

Note: in React 19, concurrent rendering is the only supported rendering mode.

Extend Jest matchers by default

You can remove import '@testing-library/react-native/extend-expect' imports, as now Jest matchers are extended by default when you import anything from @testing-library/react-native.

You can avoid the automatic extending of Jest matchers by importing @testing-library/react-native/pure instead.

// Remove this:
import '@testing-library/react-native/extend-expect';

Removed deprecated *ByAccessibilityState queries

We have removed this deprecated query as it is typically too general to give meaningful results. Use one of the following options:

// Replace this:
const view = screen.getByAccessibilityState({ disabled: true });

// with this (getByRole query):
const view = screen.getByRole('<proper role here>', { disabled: true });

// or this (Jest matcher):
const view = screen.getBy*(...); // Find the element using any query: *ByRole, *ByText, *ByTestId
expect(view).toBeDisabled(); // Assert its accessibility state

Removed deprecated *ByAccessibilityValue queries

We have removed this deprecated query as it is typically too general to give meaningful results. Use one of the following options:

// Replace this:
const view = screen.getByAccessibilityValue({ now: 50, min: 0, max: 50 });

// with this (getByRole query):
const view = screen.getByRole('<proper role here>', { value: { now: 50, min: 0, max: 50 } });

// or this (Jest matcher):
const view = screen.getBy*(...); // Find the element using any query: *ByRole, *ByText, *ByTestId
expect(view).toHaveAccessibilityValue({ now: 50, min: 0, max: 50 }); // Assert its accessibility value

Removed Jest preset

We have removed RNTL Jest preset, so you should change you jest.config.js accordingly.


// replace this:
preset: '@testing-library/react-native';

// with this:
preset: 'react-native';

Removed debug.shallow

We didn't support shallow rendering for the time being. Now, we are removing the last remains of it: debug.shallow(). If you are interested in shallow rendering see here.

Changes to accessibility label calculation

Explicit labels:

  • accessiblityLabelledBy
  • accessiblityLabel
  • aria-labelledby
  • aria-label

now take strict priority over implicit labels derived from the element's text content.

Other changes

Removed host component names autodetection

This change should not break any tests, it should also make RNTL tests run 10-20% faster.

Use React implementation of act instead of React Test Renderer one

This change should not break any tests.

Updated flushMicroTasks internal method

This change should not break any tests.

Full Changelog
