Migration to 12.x


If you are already using legacy @testing-library/jest-native Jest Matchers, we have a migration guide for moving to the built-in matchers.

React Native Testing Library 12 introduces a handful of breaking changes compared to 11.x versions. We believe they were necessary to improve the experience using the library and help the users fall into the pit of success when writing meaningful tests. You will find migration instructions for each and every change described below.

Breaking changes

1. All queries exclude elements hidden from accessibility by default

Elements that are hidden from accessiblity, e.g. elements on non-active screen when using React Navigation, now will not be matched by default by all queries. This is the effect of switching the default value for global config option defaultIncludeHiddenElements(api#defaultincludehiddenelements-option) to false.

Previous behaviour of matching hidden elements can be enabled on query level using includeHiddenElements query options or globally using defaultIncludeHiddenElements(api#defaultincludehiddenelements-option) configuration option.

2. *ByRole queries now return only accessibility elements

*ByRole queries now return only accessibility elements, either explicitly marked with accessible prop or implicit ones where this status is derived from component type itself (e.g Text, TextInput, Switch, but not View).

You may need to adjust relevant components under test to make sure they pass isAccessibilityElement check.


Let's assume we are using getByRole("button") query.

Following elements will match:

// Explicit "accessible" prop for View
<View accessible accessibilityRole="button" />

// No need to "accessible" prop for Text, as it is implicitly accessible element.
<Text accessibilityRole="button">Button</Text>

While following elements will not match:

// Missing "accessible" prop for View
<View accessibilityRole="button" />

// Explicit "accessible={false}" prop for View
<View accessible={false} accessibilityRole="button" />

// Explicit "accessible={false}" for Text, which is implicitly accessible element
<Text accessible={false} accessibilityRole="button">Button</Text>

3. *ByText, *ByDisplayValue, *ByPlaceholderText queries now return host elements

*ByText, *ByDisplayValue, *ByPlaceholderText queries now return host elements, which is consistent with other queries.

While potentially breaking, this should not cause issues in tests if you are using recommended queries and Jest Matchers from Jest Native package.

Problematic cases may include: directly checking some prop values (without using Jest Native matchers), referencing other nodes using parent or children props, examining type property of ReactTestInstance, etc.

4. container API has been renamed to UNSAFE_root.

Historically container was supposed to mimic the RTL's container. However it turned out not so relevant in RNTL's environment, where we actually used it to return React Test Renderer's root instance.

RNTL v12 introduces root API as an alternative that returns a root host element. The difference between root and UNSAFE_root properties is that that root will always represents a host element, while UNSAFE_root will typically represent a composite element.

If you use toBeOnTheScreen matcher from @testing-library/jest-native your tests will fail because it uses the container api. To fix this, update @testing-library/jest-native to version 5.4.2.

Full Changelog
