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In order to use ornaments in your app, you need to declare them in your App.swift file.

struct MainApp: App {
@UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor var delegate: AppDelegate

var body: some Scene {
RCTMainWindow(moduleName: "App") { rootView in
rootView.ornament(attachmentAnchor: .scene(.bottom)) {
VStack {
Button("1") {}
Button("2") {}

This API allows you to attach any additional SwiftUI modifier to the root view of your app. In this example, we attach a VStack with two buttons to the bottom of the scene. You can also use React Native views for the ornament. Follow the Window Manager API to learn more about how to use React Native views in SwiftUI.

For more information about the ornament API, refer to the Apple documentation.

Moving DevMenu ornament

The DevMenu ornament can be moved to a different position in the app if it conflicts with your custom ornament. You can use the devMenuSceneAnchor parameter in the RCTMainWindow initializer to specify the position of the DevMenu.

struct MainApp: App {
@UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor var delegate: AppDelegate

var body: some Scene {
RCTMainWindow(moduleName: "App", devMenuSceneAnchor: .top) { rootView in
// ...