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function buildRegExp(
sequence: RegexSequence,
flags?: {
global?: boolean;
ignoreCase?: boolean;
multiline?: boolean;
hasIndices?: boolean;
dotAll?: boolean;
sticky?: boolean;
): RegExp;

The buildRegExp is a top-level function responsible for building a JavaScript-native RegExp object from passed regex sequence.

It optionally accepts a list of regex flags:

  • global - find all matches in a string instead of just the first one.
  • ignoreCase - perform case-insensitive matching.
  • multiline - treat the start and end of each line in a string as the beginning and end of the string.
  • hasIndices - provide each captured group's start and end indices in a match.
  • dotAll - allows . to match newlines.
  • sticky - matches only from the index indicated by the lastIndex property, does not attempt to match from any later indexes.