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function capture(
sequence: RegexSequence,
options?: {
name?: string;
): RegexConstruct;

Regex syntax:

  • (...) for capturing groups (no name option)
  • (?<name>...) for named capturing groups (name option)

Captures, also known as capturing groups, extract and store parts of the matched string for later use.

Capture results are available using array-like match() result object.

Named groups

When using name options, the group becomes a named capturing group allowing to refer to it using name instead of index.

Named capture results are available using groups property on match() result.


TS Regex Builder does not have a construct for non-capturing groups. Such groups are implicitly added when required. E.g., zeroOrMore("abc") is encoded as (?:abc)+.


function ref(name: string): RegexConstruct;

Regex syntax: \k<...>.

Creates a reference, also known as a backreference, which allows matching again the exact text that a capturing group previously matched. The reference must use the same name as some capturing group earlier in the expression to form a valid regex.

Usage with capture():

const regex = buildRegExp([
// Create a named capture using name from `someKey`.
capture(..., { name: 'someKey' }),
// ... some other elements ...

// Match the same text as matched by `capture` with the same name.

TS Regex Builder doesn't support using ordinal backreferences (\1, \2, etc) because in complex regex patterns, these references are difficult to accurately use.