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Character Classes

Character classes are a set of characters that match any one of the characters in the set.

Common character class escapes

const any: RegexConstruct;
const word: CharacterEscape;
const nonWord: CharacterEscape;
const digit: CharacterEscape;
const nonDigit: CharacterEscape;
const whitespace: CharacterEscape;
const nonWhitespace: CharacterEscape;
  • any matches any character except newline characters. Regex syntax: ..
  • word matches any word character (letters, digits & underscore). Regex syntax: \w.
  • nonWord matches any character except word characters (letters, digits & underscore). Regex syntax: \W.
  • digit matches any digit. Regex syntax: \d.
  • nonDigit matches any character except digits. Regex syntax: \D.
  • whitespace matches any whitespace character (spaces, tabs, line breaks). Regex syntax: \s.
  • nonWhitespace matches any character except whitespace characters (spaces, tabs, line breaks). Regex syntax: \S.


function anyOf(characters: string): CharacterClass;

Regex syntax: [abc].

The anyOf class matches any character in the character string.

Example: anyOf('aeiou') will match either a, e, i o or u characters.


function charRange(start: string, end: string): CharacterClass;

Regex syntax: [a-z].

The charRange class matches any characters in the range from start to end (inclusive).


  • charRange('a', 'z') will match all lowercase characters from a to z.
  • charRange('A', 'Z') will match all uppercase characters from A to Z.
  • charRange('0', '9') will match all digit characters from 0 to 9.


function charClass(...elements: CharacterClass[]): CharacterClass;

Regex syntax: [...].

The charClass construct creates a new character class that includes all passed character classes.


  • charClass(charRange('a', 'f'), digit) will match all lowercase hex digits (0 to 9 and a to f).
  • charClass(charRange('a', 'z'), digit, anyOf("._-")) will match any digit, lowercase Latin letter from a to z, and either of ., _, and - characters.


function negated(element: CharacterClass): RegexConstruct;

Regex syntax: [^...].

The negated construct creates a new character class that matches any character not present in the passed character class.


  • negated(digit) matches any character that is not a digit
  • negated(anyOf('aeiou')) matches any character that is not a lowercase vowel.