
A Collection manages an ordered set of content, such as a set of photos, and presents it in a customizable and highly visual layout.

Collection component

Example usage:

import { Collection } from 'react-native-ios-kit';
renderItem={item => <Image source={{ uri: item }} />}
renderSectionHeader={({ section }) => <Title1>{section.title}</Title1>}
keyExtractor={(item, index) => `${item}_${index}`}


Uses following theme properties:

  • footnoteColor - tintColor of RefreshControl component.


contentContainerStyle (optional)

type: ViewStyleProp

Styles to be applied to the section list view content container.


type: Array

An array of items to be rendered.

keyExtractor (optional)

type: (item: *, index: number) => string
default value: (item, index) => `${item.key}` || `${index}`

Function used to extract a unique key for each item rendered.

listStyle (optional)

type: ViewStyleProp

Styles of underlying SectionList container

numberOfColumns (optional)

type: number
default value 4

Number of columns to be displayed in a row.

onEndReached (optional)

type: (info: { distanceFromEnd: number }) => void

Called once when the scroll position gets within onEndReachedThreshold of the rendered content.

onEndReachedThreshold (optional)

type: number

Distance from end of the list to invoke onEndReached function.

onRefresh (optional)

type: () => void

Function called once user pulls to refresh. Must be used in conjunction with refreshing prop.

refreshing (optional)

type: boolean

Boolean indicating if ActivityIndicator should be shown.


type (item: *) => React.Element<*>

Function rendering each cell of collection.

renderSectionHeader (optional)

type: (info: { section: * }) => React.Element<*>

Function rendering header of each section.

renderSectionFooter (optional)

type: (info: { section: * }) => React.Element<*>

Function rendering footer of each section.

stickySectionHeadersEnabled (optional)

type: boolean
default value: true

Makes section headers stick to the top of the screen until the next one pushes it off.

theme (optional)

type: Theme

Custom theme for component. By default provided by the ThemeProvider.