
Just like TabBar, the Toolbar component appears on the bottom of the application screen. Instead of switching between different views, it allows you to perform actions within the current view, e.g. share or refresh. The Toolbar displays a list of icons or text buttons.

Toolbar component

Example usage:

import { Toolbar } from 'react-native-ios-kit';
icon: 'ios-arrow-back',
onPress: this.runAction,
icon: 'ios-arrow-forward',
onPress: this.runAction,
icon: 'ios-refresh',
onPress: this.runAction,
icon: 'ios-share-outline',
onPress: this.runAction,
disabled: true,


Uses following theme properties:

  • barColor - background color
  • dividerColor - top border color
  • primaryColor - icon color and caption color for active item
  • disabledColor - icon color and caption color for disabled item


theme (optional)

type: Theme

Custom theme for component. By default provided by the ThemeProvider.


type: Array<ToolbarItem>

Array of Items. Each ToolbarItem needs to have below shape:

  • icon: Icon name (optional)
  • title: string (optional)
  • onPress: function - to be called when Item is tapped
  • disabled?: boolean (optional) - disables an Item