
SearchBar component

Example usage:

import { SearchBar } from 'react-native-ios-kit';
onValueChange={text => this.setState({ text })}


Uses following theme properties:

  • barColor - input background color
  • backgroundColor - page background color
  • placeholderColor - placeholder color and clear icon color
  • textColor - input text color
  • primaryColor - text input selection color and Cancel button text color


animated (optional)

type: boolean
default value: false

Indicates if Cancel button and TextInput should animate on focus/blur.

animationTime (optional)

type: number
default value: 200

Animation duration in milliseconds.

cancelText (optional)

type: string
default value: "Cancel"

Text of Cancel Button.

onBlur (optional)

type: () => void

Callback invoked on text input blur


type: (text: string) => void

Invoked with the new value when the value of text input changes.

onFocus (optional)

type: () => void

Callback invoked on text input focus

placeholder (optional)

type: string
default value: "Search"

Placeholder of text input. Defaults to "Search".

theme (optional)

type: Theme

Custom theme for component. By default provided by the ThemeProvider.


type: string

Value of text input.

withCancel (optional)

type: boolean
default value: false

Indicates presence of Cancel button.